Episode 9

January 15, 2022

Launching bold, fun snacks into Sainsbury's and more

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Show Notes

Cheeky P’s are Vegan, gluten-free, protein-packed snacks made from chickpeas. They’re based on a Malaysian street snack (Kacang Putih) with some lip-smacking British-loved flavours added. Founders Gracia and Gregory are on a mission to “bring a bit of mischief” and get more people eating the nutritious, tasty chick pea. They tell Mel about starting the business, developing the product, getting listings with retailers and lots more.

You can find a wealth of videos, guides and checklists for food and drink product development in the Resources section of the Froghop website at https://www.froghop.co.uk/resources/. If you’d like to talk about your product and its development, feel free to get in touch.

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